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Trading Notices
Allow Individual Leg Prices on Complex Qualified Contingent Cross Orders
BOX Options IC-2022-4012/13/22
Trading Notices
Display Counterpart Executing Firm ID in SAIL and FIX Protocol
BOX Options IC-2022-3912/09/22
Trading Notices
New Business Messages for Post-Trade Operations in the Automated Trade Reporting (“ATR”) A2 protocol
BOX Options IC-2022-3812/02/22
Trading Notices
Trade Management System for Clearing Operations
BOX Options IC-2022-3711/29/22
Trading Notices
BOX Network Infrastructure Maintenance
BOX Options IC-2022-3611/22/22
Trading Notices
Upcoming System Enhancement: Additional Trading Slices and Symbol Redistribution
BOX Options IC-2022-3411/07/22
Trading Notices
Multi-Leg QCC Orders
BOX Options IC-2022-3311/04/22
Trading Notices
Market Operations Center (“MOC”) Trade Execution Report and Standardization of Rejects in FIX
BOX Options IC-2022-3210/20/22
Trading Notices
Mandatory Annual Virtual Trading Floor Test
BOX Options IC-2022-3110/14/22
Trading Notices
Automated Trade Reporting (“ATR”) Protocol Version A2
BOX Options IC-2022-3010/07/22