
Required for all BOX Exchange LLC (“BOX”) Participants. All firms seeking trading privileges with BOX must complete the following BOX Participant application documents. 

BOX Exchange

BOX Participant Application

BOX Exchange

BOX Participant User Agreement

BOX Exchange

BOX Participant Agreement

BOX Exchange

Affiliated Entity Enrollment Form

Clearing Authorization Documents

All BOX Participants must have a valid Clearing Participant Authorization form on file. All BOX Floor Participants seeking to trade FLEX Equity Options must complete and submit one of the FLEX Equity Options Participant Clearing Authorization forms below.

BOX Exchange

BOX Market Maker Clearing Authorization

BOX Exchange

BOX Non-Market Maker Clearing Authorization

BOX Exchange

Flex Equity Options Participant Clearing Authorization (Market Maker)

BOX Exchange

Flex Equity Options Participant Clearing Authorization (Non-Market Maker)

Clearing Participant Restriction Documents

BOX Exchange

Clearing Participant Restriction Form

BOX Exchange

Restricted OCC Clearing Numbers

Membership Services

Phone: (617) 235-2315
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 101 Arch St, Suite 610, Boston, MA 02110